03 December, 2018

The varying roles of an Independent Social Worker

The Care Advice Centre was established in 2011 due to a growing demand for the services of Independent Social Workers.  The need for our services is increasing for several reasons.  Firstly, Local Authorities across England face their budgets being cut whilst at the same time there are increasing demands on their services.  Therefor the Local Authority has less capacity to support clients who are deemed as ‘privately funded’.  Independent Social Workers have the experience, knowledge and time to support these clients with finding the right care and support for them, whether in the community or residential settings.

Secondly, there is an increasing need for Certificate Providers for Lasting Powers of Attorney applications.  Independent Social Workers can provide this service.  It is beneficial to have a Certificate Provider to prevent the Lasting Power of Attorney being challenged at a later date.  If a person has lost capacity to make a Lasting Power of Attorney, then Independent Social Workers can complete the capacity assessment required to make the application to the Court of Protection to grant deputyship to a person.

Thirdly, there continues to be a lack of knowledge and support to people with the application for NHS Continuing Healthcare.  Independent Social Workers are experienced in the application for this funding stream and are able to support with appealing outcomes.  If you awarded NHS Continuing Healthcare then your care and support needs could be funded entirely by the NHS, in the community or a residential placement.

Fourthly, with the changing demographics of the population and families no longer living near to each other, many individuals do not have the opportunity to see loved ones regularly.  Independent Social Workers can provide a visiting service or regular reviews to ensure their wellbeing.

Fifthly, Independent Social Workers can help to maximise a person’s income by advising on benefit entitlement and supporting with their application.

As Independent Social Workers we are also asked to complete expert reports for solicitors and use our experience of adult social care to support with insurance claims or immigration disputes.

With over 20 years’ experience within adult social care, the Care Advice Service provides an Independent Social Work service that can be trusted.

Please contact the Care Advice Centre on 07764480565

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