We often meet carers
at our free events, who speak of the difficulties they face when trying to
apply for their loved ones to receive a welfare benefit. For example, applications for Personal
Independence Payments, Employment Support Allowance or Attendance Allowance.
The application
forms are lengthy, can be confusing and it is difficult for people making an
application to know what information to give.
You can gain advice online or in some areas the Citizens Advice Bureau
may help you to complete the form.
The Care Advice
Centre are experienced in making applications for these benefits. We can attend your home and complete the
application with you. It is beneficial
to have an Independent Social Worker to assist with your application. The Care Advice Centre supported a young lady
with an application for Personal Independence Payments recently. She has mental health needs and acute
anxieties which means she finds it very difficult to meet new people and talk
about her care needs. I completed the
application form with her and documented her daily needs. An assessor from the Department of Work and
Pensions contacted the Independent Social Worker directly. As they were able to detail the client’s
needs, the DWP agreed that the young lady would not need to have a face-to-face
interview and she was awarded the benefit.
The Care Advice
Centre offers a review service which is popular with financial affairs Deputy’s
appointed by the Court of Protection. We
can advise on whether the client is in receipt of the correct benefits and
provide a care and support review to ensure their care is meeting their needs. Within this review we will consider their eligibility
for other funding streams, for example through NHS Continuing Healthcare.
If you require
advice on welfare benefits, your entitlement or require help to complete an
application, please contact the Care Advice Centre on 07764480565.